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Paycard credit refund information

Unlike previous years, the festival organizer did not coordinate the Paycard system this year. A 3rd party that has the concession to run bars at the festival was responsible for that. Their decision is that the unused credit could be claimed back only at the festival itself.

As every year until now (which was written in the festival ABC), during the festival you could request your unused credit at any cashier point at any time, and we additionally informed you about when and at which points you can get your unused credit on Paycard back in the last two days of the festival. Link to the post:

Although this possibility is not offered, if you insist on refunding the Paycard credit through a bank transaction, please contact the partner directly. You can find information in the footer of their website

Please note that unused Paycard credit has not been paid and will not be paid to the festival promoter at any time, nor does the promoter manage unused credit in any way. SLO Vračilo sredstev MetalDays plačilne kartice Za razliko od preteklih let, v letošnjem letu organizator festivala ni bil odgovoren za sistem plačilne kartice MetalDays. Zunanji podizvajalec, ki je imel koncesijo za prodajo pijače na festivalu je bil odgovoren tudi za celoten sistem MetalDays plačilne kartice.

Kot že vsa leta do sedaj (in o tem smo obveščali tudi na spletni strani v Festival ABC), so obiskovalci lahko vsa neporabljena sredstva dvignili na samem festivalu, medtem ko smo med festivalom še dodatno obveščali na katerih prodajnih mestih se lahko zadnje dva dni festivala izvede vračilo sredstev iz MetalDays plačilne kartice.

Čeprav ta možnost ni ponujena, vkolikor vztrajate pri vračilu neporabljenih sredstev MD plačilne kartice preko bančne transakcije, prosimo da kontaktirate zunanjega podizvajalca direktno. Informacije lahko najdete na dnu njihove spletne strani : Organizator ni prejel niti ne bo prejel neporabljenih sredstev, ki jih obiskovalci niso dobili vrnjenih iz plačilnih kartic MetalDays, niti nima dostopa do neporabljenih sredstev ali upravlja z njimi.

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