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Obvestilo za javnost glede vračila vstopnic za leto 2020/2021.

Pošten odnos do obiskovalcev in odprta komunikacija sta že od ustanovitve eden od temeljev festivala MetalDays. V zadnjem času opažamo vse več negativnih komentarjev glede vračil vstopnic za odpovedane izvedbe festivala v letih 2020 in 2021. Ker so naše obveznosti glede vstopnic za odpovedane festivale pogosto napačno razumljene, čutimo se dolžni, da temo nekoliko bolj osvetlimo in podamo realno stanje. Slovensko in angleško različico izjave lahko prenesete tukaj:

Če imate dodatna vprašanja, se prosimo obrnite na naš kontaktni center. Z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vaša vprašanja ter prisluhnili morebitnim konstruktivnim predlogom, kritikam in pohvalam.

Notice to the public regarding 2020/2021 ticket refunds.

A fair relationship with visitors and open communication have been the cornerstone of MetalDays' reputation since its inception. Since recently there have been more and more negative comments regarding ticket refunds for canceled editions of the festival in 2020 and 2021. As our obligations regarding canceled festival tickets are often misunderstood, we feel obliged to shed some light on this topic. The Slovenian and English versions of the statement can be downloaded here: If you have additional questions, contact support. We are more than happy to answer all your questions, and listen to your constructive suggestions, criticism and praise.

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