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MetalDays - new location in Slovenia!

It's official; Velenje is the new home of MetalDays festival!

After many years of searching for a location that would be worthy of a unique event like MetalDays, the search has come to an end and we are officially moving to Vista on Lake Velenje.

We have closely followed the Vista construction project from the first days, we can only say that we are amazed at how well the project was planned and implemented into reality.

Velenje with its infrastructure offers indescribably good possibilities for MetalDays to develop and become an even stronger and more attractive destination for all metalheads from all over the world, and at the same time it will satisfy even the most discerning guest with its offer and hospitality.

A city with such a history, where mining plays an inevitable role in the creation and development of the city, is without a doubt the most-metal city you can get.

And what a lake!!!! We cannot imagine MetalDays without water, the beach and everything that goes with it. If you were delighted with what we have offered so far, you have to believe that it was nothing compared to what awaits you in 2023 at the MetalDays beach in Velenje.

Share this announcement and join us for an unforgettable spectacle in Velenje on 31st of July - 5th of August, 2023.

We welcome you to MetalDays in Velenje!

All important information in one place!


Vista - park with the view:

Camps, Lakes & Shops:

SLO Znana nova lokacija festivala MetalDays! Zdaj tudi uradno - nov dom festivala MetalDays je Velenje!

Po dolgih letih iskanja nove lokacije, ki bi ustrezala tako edinstvenemu in unikatnemu dogodku kot je festival MetalDays, lahko tudi uradno potrdimo, da se selimo na lokacijo parka Vista na Velenjsko jezero.

Projekt izgradnje parka Vista spremljamo že od samega začetka, in resnično smo navdušeni nad načrtovanjem projekta in pa predvsem nad tem, kako je projekt na koncu tudi uresničen in udejanjen v praksi.

Velenje s svojo infrastrukturo ponuja odlične možnosti za razvoj festivala MetalDays, ki bo tako postala še močnejša, bolj obiskana in privlačnejša destinacija za vse metalce s celega sveta, hkrati pa bo s svojo ponudbo in gostoljubjem zadovoljila še tako zahtevnega gosta.

Mesto Velenje s svojo zgodovino, kjer ima rudarstvo neizogibno vlogo pri nastanku in razvoju mesta, je brez dvoma najbolj “metal” mesto v bližnji in daljni okolici.

In ker si festivala MetalDays ne predstavljamo brez vode, plaže in vsega kar spada zraven, je tu Velenjsko jezero. Če ste bili nad našo ponudbo do sedaj navdušeni, nam lahko verjamete da to bilo nič v primerjavi z vsem kar vas v letu 2023 čaka na plaži festivala MetalDays v Velenju.

Deli to obvestilo in se nam pridruži na nepozabnem spektaklu v Velenju od 31. julija - do 5.avgusta 2023.

Vabljeni na MetalDays v Velenje!

Vse pomembne informacije na enem mestu :

All important information in one place!


Vista - Park z razgledom:

Kampiranje, jezera, trgovine:

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